TALAXEUM is a “Green project launcher” platform powered by Non-Fungible Tokens designed to leverage carbon offsetting businesses. Utilizing the traceability and smart contract built in NFTs, TALAXEUM aims to create a prudent and transparent green projects. Each project will be screened and verified by TALAXEUM’s team and Independent Reviewer for project security and authenticity.
Each BLOCK in TALAXEUM will consist of SHARDS representing the right of ownership to be part of the BLOCK. Each shard of the block represents a single NFT. Once the project has been approved, smart contracts will be prepared according to the different needs of the projects. The SHARDS (NFT) will be uniquely created by combining the smart contract of the project (BLOCK) with submitted artworks from creators around the globe.
Quick Start Guide
SSupporter purchases shards NFT from available blocks listed on the TALAXEUM platform
Pooled funds will be converted to fiat where the project will then start from its inception with estimated first earning and updates along the way
Starting from its first earning date, the project will buyback its earning in form of TALAX and distribute them to every shard holders periodically according to the project’s whitepaper